French Furniture

"Brand evangelists of their own gorgeousness and alluring distinctiveness. Indexed forever in comfort lovers offering gracious relaxation and gratifying bountiful hopes they craved for."

French style furniture played the leading role during 19th century by offering the elegant fashion with excellent quality. The style developed and took distinctive appearance. The refined and decorative style of French furniture influenced the furniture style of the whole world. It was the symbol of sophistication and status of aristocrats.

Empire style:

After conquering Italy and Egypt, Napoleon was enthralled by their splendorous architectural art and inspired to bring the majestic refection of Italy, dignity of Greece, and pride of Egypt all together-the ornamental embellishment in furniture design. Paris was blessed with amply classical style of furniture at the golden time of Napoleon who employed more than ten thousand employees for the sole purpose of manufacturing furniture. Empire style was emphasized by the archaic structure derived from Rome, Greece, Egypt and Italy. They were massive with masculine look.

The Neo-Louis style:
19th century was quite prominent for The Neo-Louis style. It took inspiration from the previously pervaded style of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. After the industrial revolution, Rococo style furniture became extensively famous among middle class people.

Main style:
The empire as well as Neo-Louis style, which were developed in the Napoleon era, was the real style of Paris. Though Napoleon was moved by the form of ornamental decoration of Italy, Rome, Greece and Egypt but encouraged for emerging a unique style which later dominated the furniture design throughout the world.

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