Chinese Antique Furniture

"Luxurious pieces of Chinese antique furniture are a striking combination of dignity and pride. They are Chinese heritage that illustrate the cultural values and lifestyle of ancient era of China."

Chinese Antique Furniture has achieved a respectable place in the heart of modern china. Its successful history emerged in the Dynasties of Ming and Oling and powerfully impacted on the enduring style of world furniture. The reflection of cultural value and marvelous craftsmanship created a special flavor for fashionable Chinese furniture that contributed to the unprecedented growth of Chinese economy. Precious woods scented rose wood and red sandalwood with lovely fragrance expressed novelty and gracious taste of grandeur.

The Lacquerware and traditional furniture are two most prominent crafts that exist in this contemporary era. Lacquerware style showed painting on various themes through its decorative woks applying punch of colors. It substantially progressed with aesthetic success embracing fresh art from the Shang Dynasty to the Han. Traditional furniture that depicted the culture and lifestyle of Chinese was more polished with natural magnificence and exclusively used in ancient China. Chinese loved to bring changes in fashion frequently to show the freshness of life.

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