Ancient Egyptiian Furniture

"A centre of magnificence and attraction. It delighted aristocratic desire with graceful features and delicious decoration. Simple and adorable design approved the authenticity of Egyptians' Unique and exceptional craftsmanship. Reflection in its modernity was influential and captured the attention of the whole world."

Egyptian people scarcely furnished their rooms with wooden furniture for which they felt for a bit later. Their craftsmanship was renowned in making tombs of kings and queens and keeping favorite things of pharaohs after their death.
Ancient Egyptian Furniture was less ornamented but well crafted that illustrated religious significance and painted the lifestyle they led. Egyptian furniture is still in great demand all over the world because of its modernity in construction and expression. Chairs, tables with animal legs and arms with openwork panel in papyrus patterns were quite common in use; though rulers and wealthy had unique passion for elaborate designed furniture, which differentiated from lower ranked members in society, represented their royalty.
Importance of quality royal furniture went up with the beginning of the Old Kingdom or 3rd dynasty that showed prominence on the tomb of 4th dynasty Queen Hetepheres at Giza. Wooden boxes were commenced at the end of the Old Kingdom and improvements took place at the middle kingdom. Some simply decorated and painted wooden boxes holding mirrors, combs with jewelry works to give expensive look and chests that were used to store domestic belongings were extensively common.

Characteristics of ancient Egyptian beds were totally different- they were rectangular wooden frame with animal shaped legs and lower height. Instead of pillow, hemispherical shaped headrest at the end of the bed was common in use. Tables were generally used to keep water pot on it. They were simple and low in height.

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