Ancient Greek Furniture

"A centre of magnificence and attraction. It delighted aristocratic desire with graceful features and delicious decoration."

Early Greek furniture was widely influenced by the style of ancient Egyptian furniture. Reflection was so prominent that it seemed the exact imitation of their craftsmanship. Unlike Egypt, furniture was plain and more functional but gradually their architectural decoration developed and became elaborately ornamented with gold embellishment. What distinguished their style was the height; the height Greek furniture were higher than Egyptian. Wealthier people used more decorated or fancy designed furniture.
Folding chair with crossed legs and straight legs were common in use in 6th century BC. It was the classical period when their distinctive innovation appeared; a newer version in style of chair with luxurious back and legs curving out from comfortable seat. These light-weight chairs became quite popular with the name of klismos. Tables were more like Egyptian with three animal shaped legs with rectangular top but they were used for taking dinner, meal or entertainment. Round table was their creation in Hellenistic period. Various styled chests made of wood, bronze and ivory, which were originated in Egypt, became widely popular in Greece.

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