Ancient Egyptiian Furniture

"A centre of magnificence and attraction. It delighted aristocratic desire with graceful features and delicious decoration. Simple and adorable design approved the authenticity of Egyptians' Unique and exceptional craftsmanship. Reflection in its modernity was influential and captured the attention of the whole world."

Egyptian people scarcely furnished their rooms with wooden furniture for which they felt for a bit later. Their craftsmanship was renowned in making tombs of kings and queens and keeping favorite things of pharaohs after their death.
Ancient Egyptian Furniture was less ornamented but well crafted that illustrated religious significance and painted the lifestyle they led. Egyptian furniture is still in great demand all over the world because of its modernity in construction and expression. Chairs, tables with animal legs and arms with openwork panel in papyrus patterns were quite common in use; though rulers and wealthy had unique passion for elaborate designed furniture, which differentiated from lower ranked members in society, represented their royalty.
Importance of quality royal furniture went up with the beginning of the Old Kingdom or 3rd dynasty that showed prominence on the tomb of 4th dynasty Queen Hetepheres at Giza. Wooden boxes were commenced at the end of the Old Kingdom and improvements took place at the middle kingdom. Some simply decorated and painted wooden boxes holding mirrors, combs with jewelry works to give expensive look and chests that were used to store domestic belongings were extensively common.

Characteristics of ancient Egyptian beds were totally different- they were rectangular wooden frame with animal shaped legs and lower height. Instead of pillow, hemispherical shaped headrest at the end of the bed was common in use. Tables were generally used to keep water pot on it. They were simple and low in height.

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Ancient Greek Furniture

"A centre of magnificence and attraction. It delighted aristocratic desire with graceful features and delicious decoration."

Early Greek furniture was widely influenced by the style of ancient Egyptian furniture. Reflection was so prominent that it seemed the exact imitation of their craftsmanship. Unlike Egypt, furniture was plain and more functional but gradually their architectural decoration developed and became elaborately ornamented with gold embellishment. What distinguished their style was the height; the height Greek furniture were higher than Egyptian. Wealthier people used more decorated or fancy designed furniture.
Folding chair with crossed legs and straight legs were common in use in 6th century BC. It was the classical period when their distinctive innovation appeared; a newer version in style of chair with luxurious back and legs curving out from comfortable seat. These light-weight chairs became quite popular with the name of klismos. Tables were more like Egyptian with three animal shaped legs with rectangular top but they were used for taking dinner, meal or entertainment. Round table was their creation in Hellenistic period. Various styled chests made of wood, bronze and ivory, which were originated in Egypt, became widely popular in Greece.

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Chinese Antique Furniture

"Luxurious pieces of Chinese antique furniture are a striking combination of dignity and pride. They are Chinese heritage that illustrate the cultural values and lifestyle of ancient era of China."

Chinese Antique Furniture has achieved a respectable place in the heart of modern china. Its successful history emerged in the Dynasties of Ming and Oling and powerfully impacted on the enduring style of world furniture. The reflection of cultural value and marvelous craftsmanship created a special flavor for fashionable Chinese furniture that contributed to the unprecedented growth of Chinese economy. Precious woods scented rose wood and red sandalwood with lovely fragrance expressed novelty and gracious taste of grandeur.

The Lacquerware and traditional furniture are two most prominent crafts that exist in this contemporary era. Lacquerware style showed painting on various themes through its decorative woks applying punch of colors. It substantially progressed with aesthetic success embracing fresh art from the Shang Dynasty to the Han. Traditional furniture that depicted the culture and lifestyle of Chinese was more polished with natural magnificence and exclusively used in ancient China. Chinese loved to bring changes in fashion frequently to show the freshness of life.

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Roman Furniture:

"It overwhelmed the heart that journeyed for luxurious life and left a splendid impression displaying its treasure- grand style with aesthetic appearance."

It is widely believed that Roman furniture is largely influenced by Greece because of the striking similarity in design of fashionable furniture they share with each other. But Roman furniture were more intricate and ornamented in style and made of silver, gold and marble. Ancient simple construction dramatically changed and transformed into complicated and extensively wonderful expression of art.

Furniture had a value to Romans. Possessing finely decorated furniture was a matter of pride and dignity. Wooden furniture, known as Thyine, was found almost in every household of Rome. Cicero had fair collection of smart and handsome furniture. Marble and bronze were extensively used in Rome than Greece. Roman Literature contains description of various styled furniture in Rome. Wealthier people are unhesitant spending a fair amount on furniture as they believed furniture is the symbol of dignity and class they hold in society.
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Gothic Furniture:

"For centuries, it satisfied sophisticated taste of discerning customers with majestic style and responded to the affluent imagination for opulent furnishing. It promisingly furnished the virtual world of comfort lovers and perfectly satisfied the explorers’ journey."

Gothic furniture is made of sturdy hard woods containing gorgeous characteristic that is enriched by exquisite hand-carved details. The luxurious architecture of Gothic furniture with affluent effect made it attractive for which people longed for. They were extravagantly and finely ornamented with striking finish. Extensive decorative design- arches and tracery- on the panel of various sized chairs, tables and chests were attractive and symbol of affluent interiors. Gothic style commanded over other fashion for prolonged time.

Some innovative fashions with rich pattern were launched in 15th century. Unique category of sideboard with a small storage space set on tall legs, cupboards one or two tires of storage space with doors and armoire with large doors came into existence. Gothic style was prominently influential during the entire 16th century. At the end of 17th century, chair with high backed forms and conventional hand carving letting the base to be used for storing treasure or valuable things evolved as a revolutionary fashion. A few continents came up with this fashion with some variation in carving pattern.

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French Furniture

"Brand evangelists of their own gorgeousness and alluring distinctiveness. Indexed forever in comfort lovers offering gracious relaxation and gratifying bountiful hopes they craved for."

French style furniture played the leading role during 19th century by offering the elegant fashion with excellent quality. The style developed and took distinctive appearance. The refined and decorative style of French furniture influenced the furniture style of the whole world. It was the symbol of sophistication and status of aristocrats.

Empire style:

After conquering Italy and Egypt, Napoleon was enthralled by their splendorous architectural art and inspired to bring the majestic refection of Italy, dignity of Greece, and pride of Egypt all together-the ornamental embellishment in furniture design. Paris was blessed with amply classical style of furniture at the golden time of Napoleon who employed more than ten thousand employees for the sole purpose of manufacturing furniture. Empire style was emphasized by the archaic structure derived from Rome, Greece, Egypt and Italy. They were massive with masculine look.

The Neo-Louis style:
19th century was quite prominent for The Neo-Louis style. It took inspiration from the previously pervaded style of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. After the industrial revolution, Rococo style furniture became extensively famous among middle class people.

Main style:
The empire as well as Neo-Louis style, which were developed in the Napoleon era, was the real style of Paris. Though Napoleon was moved by the form of ornamental decoration of Italy, Rome, Greece and Egypt but encouraged for emerging a unique style which later dominated the furniture design throughout the world.

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Taking care of your antique furniture

Antique furniture- historical asset with monetary as wellaesthetic value- requires luxurious care and not just functional. Furnishing home with ancient treasure is not only prestigious but brings royalty, dignity and add value to the modern apartment as they might have used by knights or kings and queens or famous personalities. Naturally, they represent the height of their highness. These extensively valuable ancient pieces can only be preserved effectively by consistent attention; slight negligence can cause irreparable damage.

Environment can play a major part in damaging the finishing of furniture. It is better to keep furniture away from window side or from any open areas where sunlight can influence them and damage the existing glossy finish on them. Moisture and high humidity in the air can cause a great harm and minimize their life.

Beware of the termites; they are dangerously harmful for antique furniture. They can eat away a great portion inside the antique furniture to reside there and make so many tunnels to reach to the ground. So they need regular attention.

Don’t keep anything wet or hot directly on them as they are already old and fragile to bear any further damage. Save it from any scratches, excessive sunlight, dust, considerable damages or extreme stress on their archaic delicate legs. If stretches or damages are serious, take help of a skilled restorer.

Don’t drag them carelessly or behave recklessly; respect their age and historic significance. Be polite and sympathetic to their hurdles they are patiently carrying over on them.

Cleaning is necessary on regular basis from quick deterioration, especially the joint areas which are hidden from natural attention. Thin coat of wax can annually be done but it is recommended to consult with expert or licensed practitioners before any repair. If you have passion for Antique furniture, then educate yourself about taking care of them in best possible way.

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