German Antique Furniture

Each fashioned furniture has its own history; it represents a particular century, lifestyle, and culture of every country. Elaborately designed German furniture is fabulous in appearance, sturdy and made of the finest quality woods from German forests. They still dominate the entire furniture market because of the distinctive German features. The craftsmanship and beauty of German furniture has been drawing the attention of furniture lovers for centuries. Excessive adornment of flowers, fruits and shells on doors and intricate hand carvings of people and sceneries exhibits German decorative art.

Baroque style with more complex design in North Germany and Rococo style, with prominent basic influence of France, in South as well as North Germany, especially in Berlin and Potsdam, was famous across Europe and America. They were made of rich woods such as Oak, Walnut and Mahogany. Biedermeier, less ornamented and inexpensive, was also common in use among middle class Germans.

The types of furniture were almost same for centuries but ornamentation and woods changed according to the periods. Geographical locations of Germans had a great influence on the style of furniture to make them identical with exclusive craftsmanship belonging to that region.

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